Further Resources and Reading

Download our best practice recommendations poster

Good Beginnings, Getting Off To A Good Start

Supporting Pregnancy, Birth and Early Attachment

Advice on specific pregnancy-related issues

Alcohol in pregnancy and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Diabetes and pregnancy

Diet and pregnancy

Immunisations for pregnant women


Infections in pregnancy

Feeling baby’s movements in pregnancy


Mouth and dental health in pregnancy

Physical activity in pregnancy

Problems in pregnancy

Problems with pelvic pain before and after birth

Smoking in pregnancy

Tests in pregnancy

Weight in pregnancy

After birth advice

Feeding and skin-to-skin


Recognising an unwell baby

Bedsharing and safe sleeping

Special care unit babies

Positive Endings - Supporting Everyone Involved

  • Pause is an excellent project available in some areas which offers women a supportive programme of self-development for around 18 months whilst committing to a long acting contraception.
  • In this short documentary, mothers who have been separated from their children share their experiences.
  • Vulnerable mothers and repeat care proceedings website: this project examined care proceedings cases in the family courts where mothers have had several children in a row removed from their care. They looked at the case files of 354 of these mothers and interviewed 72. The research found that over 11,000 mothers had more than one child removed between 2007 and 2014. The study showed that these women had suffered high levels of abuse and neglect as children, and many had been in care themselves. 40% had been in foster care or children’s homes and 14% had lived in private or informal relationships away from their parents. The mothers in the study often had their first child as teenagers, had struggled with parenting and had complex issues, including substance misuse, domestic violence and mental health issues. The study showed that there was very limited help and support to recover from the trauma of having a child removed, and they often became pregnant again quite quickly, giving them little time to show they had made the changes required to look after a baby safely. Many of these repeat removals were of babies soon after birth. The study has led to programmes being developed to support women who have had more than one child removed from their care which gives them the opportunity to make lasting changes.

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